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Someone close to you has just passed away. You’re grieving and trying to come to terms with the loss, but you also have to deal with the fact that they never made a will. What happens now? Well, depending on the type of assets the person owned, you may need an Estate Administrator.

The Estate Administrator is appointed by the Surrogate’s Court, and they have the authority to collect the decedent’s probate assets, pay off debts, funeral expenses, and other administration-related expenses. Once these are taken care of, the remaining probate assets are distributed to the Decedent’s statutory distributees. To receive letters of administration, the proper forms must be filed and all persons with an equal or greater right to serve as administrator must be served with a citation.

Navigating this process can be complicated, especially if there are disputes among family members as to who should represent the estate, or if some family members cannot be located. If you’re considering seeking to be appointed as an estate administrator, an experienced attorney in Surrogate’s Court practice can help you address any potential obstacles you may face. Don’t let the stress and complications of this process add to your grief – seek guidance from an experienced professional.